I was getting a h.c. earlier in the year for each ride then decided to take
my chances as the year went on- the h.c. cost me at least $20 each time I
got one, not to mention scheduling it with my vet, etc... and it seemed like
everywhere I was going wanted one that was done in the last 10 days so if I
went to rides two weeks apart - two h.c. - now maybe my vet was looking at
the wrong guidelines - I admit I didn't take the time to research it myself
and will before taking off next season.
*Technically*, you're supposed to have a h.c. on any animal you have with
you - yes, even your canine buddy in the cab - I admit I have never gone to
that trouble...but, I digress.....
I did get one for crossing in KY (have always heard chances are high to get
checked there with TB racing industry) and I did when I went to VA as I was
crossing several state lines however I didn't for going to GA and MS -
bordering states. Don't ask me for my logic in this - there's not much :->
So...'fess up you guys - are you all legal? <g>
Tony & Embers (are there carrots in jail?)