Re: corns

Janet Evans (
Wed, 27 Nov 1996 18:37:22 +0000

Hello Linda,

Corns are usually caused by bad shoeing, or not shoeing often
enough. Sounds like you're on the right track by changing farrier.
I've only come across one horse who has had corns, and it obviously
hurt like hell as he was lame. Ever had corns yourself, I do, and
can sympathise, och!

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: corns
Author: (Allen Xrealname Linda Eisele) at email
Date: 26/11/96 10:42

I have a problem with chronic corns on my horse's front hoofs in the corner
where the bars meet with the frog. Does anyone have advice as to what
causes them and how to cure them. Just changed shoers. Previous shoer was
trimming my horses front feet long and narrow with pinched in heels and they
looked like the back feet in shape. How long does it take to cure corns and
how painful is it for the horse? Sure need some help here. Linda
Here's lookin back atya.......()()
Linda Eisele & Sareei and ('')\
hubby, Allen and the General (* *)\\_______~~~~~~~ ( )
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