Bessie cow vs 'ol grey mare
Allen Xrealname Linda Eisele (
Wed, 27 Nov 1996 10:07:28 -0800 (PST)
At 08:47 AM 11/27/96 -0500, C.M.Newell wrote:
> but when, oh when, is a dairy cow like an endurance horse?
>>I can just see me riding 'ol Bossie to my top ten finish!
> Simple. Both are in a position where, if they are unable to quickly
>mobilize their bodies' calcium reserves, they're screwed.
> --CMNewell
>"The expression in a horse's eye is like a blessing on a good man's house."
> --Sayied iben-el Rabil, quoting the Prophet
Joyce, now that we are comparing cows to horses (Newell is right) I'm going
to throw in bipedal homidid (humans). Yes,awhile ago when I first started
endurance I was the pesty red head that snooped thru everyone's camp asking
what they were feeding and tack used etc. etc. Well, I notice a high
incidence of ty ups among horse fed straight alfalfa. At that time I hadn't
seen anything in print regarding this, if so missed it but with my nursing
back ground wondered if the horse like a human could develop a lazy gland.
My little pea brain figured this out. In humans, people taking steriods
for treatment of diseases have to be weaned off of them carefully becuase of
the supplementation from an outside source the adrenal gland became sluggish
in producing its own sterid, thus leaving a patient with dangerously low
Could it be the same in a horse where high levels of available Ca has caused
the gland to also becaome sluggish in regulating Ca levels in the body.
I timidly brought this up at a question period following a guest vet lecture
at the convention years ago and all I got was...very interesting, it's
possible. Whether be it Bessie the cow, the endurance horse or us, certain
glands can lose their ability to function, kinda a use it or lose it
Does this make sense? Charlotte, isn't this what you were trying to say?
Here's lookin back atya.......()()
Linda Eisele & Sareei and ('')\
hubby, Allen and the General (* *)\\_______~~~~~~~ ( )
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