Re: enteroliths
C.M.Newell (
Wed, 27 Nov 1996 09:26:12 -0500 (EST)
>I find the enterolith subject interesting because although we have all heard
>that stones are most common out west, I know personally of at least two
>stones that have been taken out of a couple of chronic colickers here at our
>vet school. I can'tgive any more details because of confidentiality, but it
>is interesting! I wasn't ever expecting to see a colic surgery for this!
They occur in New England, as well. I have a small collection from
my path rotation. (they *didn't* make it.)
And a friend has a tennis ball sized enterolith that her horse passed after
a couple of days of colic.
"The expression in a horse's eye is like a blessing on a good man's house."
--Sayied iben-el Rabil, quoting the Prophet