Re: Squared behind
Gwen Dluehosh (
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 17:06:13 +0500
Yep. this is what we were taught!!!
I try my best to shoe like this... when I shoe! I have seena few people who
leave too much around the edge thoug- I tend to leave it open more toward
the back than the front. THe horse's hoof is supposed to be trimmed right
before the shoe is shaped- ifone is just going to trim down to the shoe,
what''s the point of the anvil???
>One basic concept to keep in mind is to put the shoe where you want the foot
>to grow. In this case the shoe should stick out slightly (1/8 inch) along the
>quarters with no nails "beyond the turn". The heels will gradually spread.
>Meanwhile, don't allow the shoer to curl the ends of the shoes up under the
>foot--instead, let them trail straight back, sticking out slightly behind the
>bearing surfaces of the hoof wall. Finally, in general, with a fresh shoeing,
>there should always be some shoe beyond the hoof, all the way around. Putting
>on a shoe that is too small, then rasping down the hoof to make a
>neat-looking job is what I call "horseing the shoe". You can expect all sorts
>of problems from this kind of technique.
Gwen Dluehosh
Desert Storm Arabians
1156 Hightop Rd, #89
Blacksburg, VA 24060