Re: What's up with Trail Blazer?

Joe Long (
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 00:24:24 GMT

On Mon, 25 Nov 96 04:22:10 +0000, you wrote:


>I have really enjoyed the posts about horse fitness and have downloaded =
a bunch of them=20
>that I still need to file, thanks to all. I recently subscribed to =
Trail Blazer magazine and=20
>just received my first issue (November/December) that I had been =
anxisouly waiting for.=20
>My attention was immediately caught by one of the feature articles: =
Memories of the 1996=20
>World Championship - the inside story... on page 36. Well, imagine my =
surprise and=20
>disapointment, it sounds like an Infomercial for TTEAM, nothing else. =
Who paid who for=20
>the article?. And then, on page 42, more on TTEAM and Linda Tellington =
Jones featured,=20
>again, on page 25. Yes, I know, the TTEAM has done great things for some=
horses, but=20
>the point is the headvy-handedness of this all. Is this what Trail =
Blazer magazine is about? =20
>This is no flame, but a sharing of my surprise. Happy riding. Liz

Same old Susan.


Joe Long