Re: What's up with Trail Blazer?
Mon, 25 Nov 1996 17:09:09 -0500

In a message dated 96-11-25 13:39:43 EST, you write:

<< Probably the best thing that could happen to TB would be for it to be
bought up by a PROFESSIONAL group who could keep subscriptions
straight, keep the typos & error to a minimum, and get the magazine
out ON TIME.

This is not likely to happen IMHO; publications in small markets (and ours IS
small compared to say dressage/hunter-jumper) are usually a labor of love and
not profitable. I myself would love to see tighter editing and cleaner
graphics (some stories are downright miserable to read through the
multicolored doo-dads), but recognize that a professionally trained staff
would be out of the question.

Small-budget publications also cannot afford to pay much, if anything, to
professional writers, so rely on submissions, which often come from those who
have something to "sell" the readership. And since they're free, authors can
be pretty "free" with deadlines, setting publication dates back. I think we
have to acknowledge and accept these givens, and consider the source when
reading articles. There is so much interesting and useful information, I
prefer to overlook these imperfections.

Regarding the subscription foul-up--that is not so easily excused. It was
obviously a coincidence that the 1/99 coding for a free one-year subscription
coincided with your PAID to 1/99 subscription, and it seems she has
inadequate records to trace the problem. Linda, have you sent her a
photocopy of your canceled check? Pretty hard to argue with that!

Hope you get it all straightened out eventually.

Does anyone remember "Saddle Action," the forerunner of Trail Blazer? That
magazine would make you really thankful for Trail Blazer.

Linda and Chaco (hoo boy, SHE'S been around a long time . . .)
San Francisco