<< I have a horse right now that is compressed in his growth on one side of
left front foot. His is slightly turned out from the shoulder down and hence
breaks over to the outside. I dumb farrier shod him HIGHER on the outside
hence causing the compression. Wehave cut away the outside quarter and put
on a bar shoe to take pressure off the outside and allow the hoof to
"straighten out" in its growth.
Teddy >>
This sounds like the right thing to do. Anyplace where the hairline/coronary
band is pushed up out of line is a long place on the foot. If you pull the
shoes and soak the foot in water for 1/2 hour before trimming, that
compressed part of the foot will tend to push itself down and you can rasp it
off. However, it takes 2-3 shoeings to get it right in this way.
The trouble with shoes is that they protect these areas from what would
normally be corrective wear--once you get a long place, compressed, it's hard
to bring right again with shoes on.