I'm not a huge fan of bran, mashes or otherwise. Lots of people
swear by them and, if the horse is happy and healthy, fine.
I would need a good reason, and probably from a vet, before
I'd feed it to my horse, but that's my personal opinion.
However, there is something you should be aware of. Feeding too
much bran, without balancing it with other foods, can get the
calcium/phosphorus ratio out of balance, which should be
somewhere around 2:1
Too much phosphorus can be detrimental to calcium absorption.
Excessive phosphorus intake can cause skeletal malformations.
Obviously a handful or two of bran a couple of times a week is
not going to a lot of harm in most cases but it wouldn't be a bad
idea to throw in a bit of calcium rich food, like lucerne, (or alfalfa
as the Americans call it), to balance things if you're feeding a
lot of bran.
As always, if in doubt, TALK TO YOUR VET!!
Graham Jenkins
+61 6 2766812 CSIRO
+61 6 2766617 Fax ITS Branch
018620324 Mobile Canberra
graham.jenkins@its.csiro.au AUSTRALIA
WWW URL http://www.csiro.au