Re: heart monitors

Donna O'Gara (
Sat, 23 Nov 1996 07:02:34 +0000

>I you are not getting readings at a hand gallop..something IS WRONG!!! Check
>your connections (I TAPE my cables to the transmitter since they can come
>unplugged). Check your patches to make sure there is good contact..may have
>to shave area on horse...long hair does interfere. But this is NOT normal!!!
Sometimes what's wrong is not the monitor, but the horse. Several years ago
I tried and tried to make my monitor work with my horse. I did all the
things I've seen suggested here, plus a lot more. The best I ever got was a
fairly reliable reading when he was standing perfectly still, and maybe once
every 5 minutes I'd get one for a few seconds while he was moving. After I
gave up in disgust, my riding buddy asked if she could play with it. We just
slapped it on her horse and it worked perfectly. No matter where we put the
electrodes, it worked. Boy was I bummed.

Donna - temporarily between horses.