>I've wondered what is better to do--fight with the horse at the beginning of
>a ride to try to keep some control or to let him run like a fool until he
>calms down (don't know if my guy will actually calm down before he runs
>himself to death...never really wanted to test that one.)
>What do most of you generally do?
I like to start at the tail end or even after everyone else is out of sight
tho I have started with the group - but I'm still not real comfortable with
30 or 40 or 50 fresh, fit horses taking off at once in the cool morning
I'm quickly learning that there is *not* necessarily a direct correlation
between where you start and where you finish :->.
Tina, hickst@nichols.com
Embers - sometimes we start with everyone else and boy do I wanna go
Tony - I don't get to start with the group for a long, long time