i have seen a huge amount of information on it in the past several weeks
and sorting through all of it to see what it really means is difficult.
is there anyone on the list knowledgeable enough - and willing -
to summarize the important points so we can use it without each one
of us having to read through all the articles and trying to come
to our own conclusions? i realize that some of the points may
be either controversial, a matter of opinion, or just not
proven yet. but it could be very useful if there were a simple
set of items we could use that would help us condition
our horses better so that we would be able to more safely compete
at whatever level we chose.
a sample might be
not too lean/not too fat....because... and how much
anaerobic means .....
anaerobic ranges for endurance horses...
correlations of the following factors from measurements at the NAC show..
keeping it simple would tell us what to do w/o all the complications
of LA4, 4 mmol...etc.
i realize that it may not be easy to put it down in simple one or two
liners but for those things that could be done that way - it might
be very helpful. and some things need the long explanation to make sure
the person understands the boundry conditions for the advice.
perhaps whoever did it might want to run it through one of the experts
before posting - or perhaps one of the experts might do it...
mike maul
houston, tx