Re: "too fat for speed"

K S Swigart (
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 23:48:07 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, Lucy Chaplin Trumbull wrote:

> So from that, I would infer, yes, he helped his horse by getting off.
> But he also slowed it down, because he walked a lot slower than the horse
> would normally with him on top.

I don't know about your horse, but my horse does not walk 5-6 mph. My
horse walks faster when I get off and walk with him...both of us are
closer to about 4 - 4 1/2 mph, and I can walk just as fast as my horse.
Long ago my horse and I came to an agreement...when he is walking, I am
walking (assuming it is going to be for more than a step or two) because
I can make just as good of time, and give the horse a break.

Additionally, if the horse is walking because of rough terrain, then he
and I can make better time, if I am off him as he can negotiate the
terrain faster without me on his back, and I can keep up with him on foot
(although sometimes I do "tail"...but mostly because I would rather not
be in front of him going up hill).

Does anybody (besides those of you riding gated horses) have a horse that
regularly walks 5-6 mph, under saddle?

Orange County, Calif