<< When I go to a ride, Embers is one of the thinner ones there - I've
how "heavy" alot of the others look and esp. the 100 miler horses - more
like Tony when's he on his way to plumping out.
Wonder what the balancing point its? That is, the point where you've got
enough fat on them for reserves but not so much as to hamper performance?
Folks, I don't think you're talking about "fat" here. I think you're talking
about muscle cells full of glycogen (and the water necessary to store it.)
Fat is adipose tissue, stored under the skin and around the liver.
Subcutaneous fat is easily measured with ultrasound scanning. None of my
horses carries a significant amount of fat, but many at the racetrack think
they're "fat".
Susan, did you see that Irish study that said the most unfit of horses
carried about 25 lbs of adipose tissue?