Horse Vacation
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 15:44:26 -0500

Some years ago I went on an EquiTour horseback vacation in WY in the Wind
River Range. We packed into the high country, covering 4-6 hours of riding
time (slow walk, climbing) each day. The horses were sure-footed, the food
was outstanding, the views incomparable. There were about 10 guests and 2-3
wranglers accompanying us, in addition to a marvelous cooking staff.

We packed into an area at 11,000 ft--a wide meadow with a river running
through it. Legend had it that this had been a favorite Indian summer

My fondest memory is watching the horses turned loose at night to forage for
themselves--in the morning the head wrangler's horse would be sent out to
round them up (an uncolored App with blue eyes and the smartest animal I
have ever seen!).

This was "roughing it" with class--and I would highly recommend at least
this particular tour.

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