Causes for hives
Linda Cowles @ PCB x5624 (linda_cowles@MENTORG.COM)
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 09:28:35 -0800
> I am currently experiencing a problem with one of my horses. The young
> one (4, Arab, Gelding) is breaking out in hives. For the last two years
> he has been extremely sensitive to fly bites in the SPRING. However, now
> he recives a dose of dexamethasone (steroids), the hives will clear up for
> it is FALL and he has broken out rather badly, three episodes to date. If
> about a week. He has had two doses of dex, and I don't feel comfortable
> giving him more. We have run several blood tests, including thyroid, and
> everything is normal.
I found out that anythings possible... you may check his diet to see if there
have been any changes...
My gelding Shatirr can eat buckets with apple cider vinegar just fine, but
is really allergic to the resulting sweat, so you may want to check his
hives out from a where-do-they-occur perspective. If hives are in heavy
sweat areas, it may be diet related.
Gilroy California