Re: ridecamp-d Digest V96 #2

John Bonine E-LAW US (
(no date)

I would sure like to have my name removed from this mailing list.

I have used the unsubscribe command, and was informed by an
automatically generated message that I am not a member of this list.

Well, guess what? I am! help!



if you subscribe to a listserv from a particular address - you
can only unsubscribe from that address. if you change addresses
when you move to either a new id or machine and have forwarding
set up from where you were to
where you are now - you will still be getting the mail sent to
you but you cannot unsubscribe because you don't have the old address.

check to see if that's the case - and then provide bengt norum
your old address and he can manually remove that one.

this is being sent to the listserve only because i see enough
requests sent to ridecamp that i thought it might be useful for
others to know.

houston, tx