While every one in the Arab world looks on in horror and SNOBISHNESS when
you mention crosses(my dear, WHY did you ever cross an Egyptian with a
Russian???) There is much to support this concept.
What is available in literature and/ or on the net about "Hybrid Vigor"
being a product of horse breed crosses???
I know in Cattle, the lack of outcrosses back in the '50's caused mucho
problems in some of the so called purebreds. The out crosses then restored
the "Vigor" to the breeds and more importantly the animal itself.
Of course indiscriminate crossing will more often than not produce
unsatisfactory results. and then again I have seen many attempts to cross
arabs with other breeds for endurance and the majority, while nice horses,
were never really that successful in endurance. There is always the
Racehorse Breeders axiom "breed the best to the best and hope for the best".
All you knowledgeable people out there, pour out the ideas on this subject.
What crosses the best as for breed /breed or should we really be looking at
individual /individual regardless of breed???I have some examples of that
also but will save them for a future post.
Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID