Re: anerobic threshold
Sun, 17 Nov 1996 03:22:36 -0500

Ok Susan (and Tom, if this appplies to you as well)

I just MUST step in AND I WON"T do it "privately" or behind closed doors as
evidently some people have evidently done to you.

I want to say the I truely VALUE what you have said and have the utmost
RESPECT for the years you have spent in learning what you have shared with
us. The is an open forum about OPINIONS and IDEAS without which NONE of us
would grow, learn and become better at what we love.

I, personally, have put my priorities into other endeavors and therefore RELY
on information I receive from others who HAVE made subjects such as these
their personal goals. Unfortunately, there are many people out there who
must refute what others have to say in a negative way...petty jeaoulsies,
egos or unreasoning minds are the cause.

I hope that you are not totally discouraged in continuing to post what you
have learned. I KNOW, RESPECT and BELIEVE in Tom Ivers. I have read FAR too
much of his stuff to feel otherwise. All of us should be VERY grateful that
he has taken the time to share what he has done and what he has found out
from his YEARS of experience. To be able to converse in such as manner from
different backgrounds of experience and share the results here is, to me, a
priviledge not to be taken lightly.

I commend BOTH of you (and Bob Morris, too, as well as others) for making
their viewpoints "public" and putting themselves "on the line". These latest
discussions are perhaps the most valueable we have had yet. Please keep it
