Equine liability law in NH
Ed Lawson (glawson@lr.net)
Fri, 15 Nov 1996 14:30:35 EST
An equine liability law has been presented to the New
Hampshire legislature for the third time; this time the
bill is written to mirror the law passed in
Massachusetts. In the 37 or so states that have passed
such a law, are there noticable differences as a result,
i.e. have insurance rates dropped, is insurance easier to
obtain, have new businesses opened because the insurance
issue was no longer a problem, have there been more
rides/events? The NH Horse Council will do a
presentation on this when it is heard and we're looking
for documentable incidents that have benefitted the
state, or business, etc. within the state on behalf of
the equine industry. Right now, I think there is only
one competitive ride in the state (used to be three) and
there are no endurance rides. I would love to be able to
put on rides in this state so the northeast riders would
not have to go to the southern part of the region, PA,
NJ, NY, etc.
Thanks for any comments. You can e-mail me privately at
glawson@lr.net. I will keep you posted and give you the
results of our efforts! Thanks.
Gail Lawson