Re: treeless saddles

David Sonnenberg (
Fri, 15 Nov 1996 10:38:49 -0500 (EST)

I remember reading 1800's period accounts of Indian ponies; somewhere,
maybe in one of my books about Custer and the Indian Wars. The trooper
who wrote the account talked of wooden saddles(trees?) that were crude
copies of the trees in Spanish saddles of the period. He also described
horses with sore and bloody backs that were ridden regardless of
condition. He related that after initial bucks the ponies all settled
down and were ridden despite having large running sores on backs and withers.
On Thu, 7 Nov 1996, Allen Xrealname Linda Eisele wrote:

> Boy, I don't know if I dare bring this up, but noted that some people don't
> like the idea of a saddle with no panels to distribute weight. Just a
> thought...I have tried so many conventional saddles whose panels, no matter
> how well fitted, dug, in some way, into shoulders or loins and inhibited
> movement. Sometimes I think panels, though distribute weight, have their
> own problems. For years Indians rode bareback with little to protect their
> horse's backs...were their horses always sore in the back? Does anyone
> know?
> BTW Diane, I too thank you for the hard work you are putting in on saddle
> info. Your database that compiles riders (not yours) thoughts and
> experiences with different saddles will be a great source for those who are
> in the market.
> Here's lookin back atya.......()()
> Linda Eisele & Sareei and ('')\
> hubby, Allen and the General (* *)\\_______~~~~~~
> ( )
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