Re: Arab crossed with ??? (Arab Qtr crosses)

Jacqueline Mansfield / Leopard Communications (
Thu, 14 Nov 1996 11:03:18 -0700

>I have a 20 yr. old Arab-Quarter horse mare that is just the
>best horse I've ever ridden.


I just had to reply to this because it reminded me of the first (and
still my favorite) endurance horse I rode. He is 3/4 Arabian and 1/4 Quarter
Horse. He also is a character and his owner, Susie Morrill (NW rider), often
jokes that he would be a great trick horse if the trick was to push you into
a lake or pull your pants down!
Holly (Sierra Jahol) is ultra-competitive and always lays his ears
flat back when a horse/horses pass him - if he could talk I would hate to
hear the language he would use!
I like the Quarter/Arab crosses (even though I am biased), I feel
they represent the best of both breeds!

Jacqueline Mansfield

Author owned by Winza, 13 year old Crabbet Arabian gelding