Re: Solo Division

Nina Gibson (
Mon, 11 Nov 1996 10:23:49 -0500

There is no official solo division in AERC. ROC and Old Dominion both
have a form of the solo. ROC calls it the solo division and OD calls it
Calvery (sp?).
You have to ride the 100 mile race with "no outside help". Anything
you or the horse needs the entire ride must be carried with you. If you
lose a shoe you either have to put it on yourself or use an easy boot.
The ride management leaves people water in a seperate area and if no
horse water is available they do provide it. The horse can eat any
natural growing substance. If you tie him up, it has to be to a natural
item i.e. a tree.
Both rides give extra awards if you finish. The ROC gives you goodies
just for starting. You can drop out of the solo division anytime you
want and still continue on in the regular ride.
I heard that Tevis used to have a solo division, but no longer does.
I have done the solo division 3 times. Twice at ROC and once at OD.

Hope this helps!

Nina Gibson and Coujur (I would rather be waited on hand and hoof!)
