Re: where can I see a SS?

Joyce Kellenberger (
Sun, 10 Nov 96 15:01:28 PST

I will be placing my order soon for a Sport Saddle (from Daniel) sight unseen.
My belief is that even if I don't like the saddle (for whatever reason, though
I can't imagine), I can easily sell it locally. I'm so sure I'm going to like
it that I view mine as the "sample" of the area and hope to secure more sales
and respect for this wonderfully designed saddle for people like me who'd
rather ride bareback. I can't imagine you'd lose money on purchasing one;
the seem to be so much in demand.



> The heck with all the banter about the SS!!! I'm very interested in the
> concept and think this saddle might work well for Bones, who doesn't
> like saddles period! (Poor guy was abused as a youngster and I'm re-
> establishing his trust of people, along with rehabing his muscle injury!
> Big job - aren't they all?!) Does anyone know where I could see a Sport
> Saddle? I live in central Colorado and wonder if there is a rep nearby
> or just someone who owns one that I could come look at. I'd have a hard
> time ordering from a catalog without seeing the saddle in person. Will
> there be a rep at the American Royal in Kansas City this next week (as I
> will be in KC)? I'm anxious to see this saddle!
> Thanks for your help!
> Bambi and Bones