Re: Sport Saddle

althea.o.gates (
8 Nov 96 14:38:07

This whole SS debate is becoming ludicrous. I am also one of those people that
think Diane has done a great job. After the whole "collection of data" process
a few months back and hearing everyone's pros and cons on ALL the saddles I
decided I'd get a SS when I got a new saddle (I have a McClellan I use now).
Just because Diane has created this informative database does not mean she is
not inclined to an opinion! I value her opinion of her saddle like I did ever
other single person who gave us input. Can't we share our opinions (likes AND
dislikes) without getting cranky? :o\

Okay, now a question? What does this SS look like? Is it an English or Western
type saddle? How much do they cost and where could I get a catalog to see one?

Now, everyone SMILE damit! :o)

Plantation, FL