Turkey Trot

Fri, 8 Nov 1996 00:33:03 -0500

From: Ride Secretary (Mary Thompson-Moore)

To clear up all the misconceptions that have been floating in net-space:

1. The ride is ON.

2. A full agreement with the State has been arrived at and the final
requirement is in the process of being taken care of.

3. The last pending item is the delivery of an Insurance Policy to cover the
ride (which is being taken care of).

4. The ride Entry Form is in the process (right now) of being finalized and
will be in the mail no later than mid-next week.

5. There will be no "DAY OF RIDE" entries.

6. As a State Park rule, there will be NO DOGS ALLOWED. If you bring your
dog, you WILL be told to leave.

Additional information will follow, if necessary.

To request a form either:
A. e-mail me privately,
B. call Courtney Hart at 408-358-3904, or
C. call me at 415-964-5250.

Mary and Monte