Re: lawyers

Susan F. Evans (
Wed, 06 Nov 1996 13:29:47 -0800

Patricia Chase wrote:
> >>This lady apparently went to Sharon (the ride manager) andimmediatelystarted screaming at her, threatening AERC appeal and legal action.
> This is what comes of tolerating lawyers and the appeals process in our
> society and our sport. It seems to be getting worse instead of better.
> >>if I behave even remotely like this woman, someone will come and slap me.
> They probably won't, again because of the fear of getting sued.
> Unfortunately, this has taught boorish and ill-mannered oafs that they can
> run roughshod over everyone and anyone in their path, with their trusty
> attorney at their side, another example of water seeking its own level.

>> supposed to be about. I think we should also ban lawyers from our sport

Gee, isn't that just a little harsh on lawyers in general? Speaking as one
whose Sgnificant Other is an attorney (a good, honest, fair one who has helped more
than one person in this sport, and I don't mean personal injury suits), making blanket
statements about lawyers is no different than the blanket statements we've all
heard and suffered that "endurance riders kill horses". It's not fair to condemn
lawyers for agreeing to represent CLIENTS who are childish, vindictive and irresponsible.
If you own a store and sell a product to an idiot, does that make you an idiot, too?
I hope not. Granted, there are irresponsible attorneys just as there are irresponsible
people in every other profession, but please remember, for every attorney filing
a frivolous personal injury lawsuit, there's also an attorney that's protecting
YOUR backside from being run roughshod over, working to keep No Hands Bridge and other
trails open, fielding attacks from animal rights group and overzealous conservationists,
and helping nail the abusive riders that hurt their horses and hurt the sport. There's
a lot of truth to the statement that everyone hates lawyers until they need one.
Instead of condemning the attorney who's just doing his job, criticize the client who
hasn't figured out yet that endurance is supposed to be FUN, not a matter of life or
death. You're right, huckleberries with your horse in the boonies is better than
publicly making an ass of yourself abusing ride management any day.

Happy Trails,

Susan, also Cato, Katy, Lady and Dakota the Terrible:->