Re: Re[2]: SS slipping

Sullys Maze (Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU)
Tue, 5 Nov 96 07:25:28 PST

REPLY TO 11/05/96 04:06 FROM Re[2]: SS slipping

Well, mine rolls around pretty badly. I ditched the felt-lined cinch
that came with the saddle after my horse got a sweat scald during our
first longer ride. I did try a borrowed neoprene cinch and it was
definitely better but I'm a little paranoid about using a cinch that
causes a lot of sweating after my horses skin peeled. I'm currently
using a wool string cinch that works a bit better than the felt cinch.

I feel that I have a couple of causes behind this problem. One, Finn
is built like a flat topped barrel with little in the way of withers.
My saddle sits in place much better on a friends horse that has a
better shape to him. Secondly, the fleece bottomed saddles are
different than the older models that have a fabric bottom (neoprene?).
The saddles without the fleece have a wider gullet and sit down and
around my horse much better. I think the new model is probably a
better fit on a higher withered horse than the old ones are. My horse
is not irritated or rubbed by the different shape of the new model,
although the pommel seems to perch up on top of his withers. I don't
want to worry anyone who is waiting for a delivery of a SS about that.
In fact, the SS is the only saddle I tried that didn't piss him off

-Bonnie, a couple of thoughts....not to disagree with you or
anything. My mare is also barrel shaped, with no withers. This
is the mare where I can lean over and pick up things off the ground,
and not have the saddle slip. BUT, it is the one with the nylon

-If you say the pommel seems to "perch" up on top of the withers,
my first thought is that the saddle is too far forward! When ridden
with a loose cinch, the saddle will sort of naturally find the right
spot on the back of the horse. It should not be held in place with
a tight cinch, or breastcollar.

-Anyway, just a few comments!!


Would anyone with one of the older models like to trade me?

Bonnie Snodgrass
