Re: fly masks/interference

Allen Xrealname Linda Eisele (
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 13:33:23 -0800 (PST)

Cheryl, The tearing of the eyes is due to irritation and at the end of
summer with fly season real bad and lack of rain causing alot of dust, fly
maks are a must and ours wear theirs all the time. I want to say I'm not a
vet so should tearing turn into a pussy discharge which quite often it does
you may want to consult a vet. If you catch it early and I've done this
only once because working at a hospital where I could get the equipment but
should be done ONLY by a vet, is have the tear ducks unpluged. Just inside
the upper part of the nostrils you will notice a tiny slit in each, This is
where the tear duck ends. The vet will thread carefully a lubricated soft
catheter up alittle ways up this duct and with a syringe inject a small
amount of sterile saline which will usually force a thread of debris and pus
form the duct at the corner of the eye. Sometimes when we have been out of
town and the horses had been turned out without their masks and I find the
tearing has started to turn a bit pussy, I go to the tack shop or from the
vet and get a tube of opthalmic antibiotics and apply 1-2 times a day and
put their mask on and it usually clears up in a couple of days.
As far as the horse not being able to see well with the masks on...put it up
to your face and you will see quite well. In fact I ride with a fly mask on
under my horse's bridle with no problem at all. Even with fly spray on my
horse fusses something terribly when just a bug is near his face to the
point that he doen't pay attention to where he is going. So the reason for
his alias...masked bandit. Fly masks are safe in that if they get caught,
it pulls apart at the velcro or tears, ( I bought plenty becasue of that)
but as far as keeping a halter on, in the pasture, I wouldn't.
Regarding the interference, I don't know alot but I think it's a combination
of being shod, being green and not having developed the muscles yet and
getting use to the new way of going. Do you have a good farrier? I'm sure
there are some on the list that can help you there. Good luck with Jihad.

Here's lookin back atya.......()()
Linda Eisele & Sareei and ('')\
hubby, Allen and the General (* *)\\_______~~~~~~ ( )
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