Re: feetsies

Dee Scott (vgarab@TRANSPORT.COM)
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 09:48:03 -0800

When I ride in the winter, (cold, muddy,or snowy) I wear my cheapy
thinsulate rubber mud/snow boots that I got at Freddies (like K-Mart) I get
them atlittle large so I can wear 2 pair of socks and can move my toes and
it keeps them pretty warm for a few hours (except when it gets below 0!) I
also ride in isulated overalls that all the farmers in this area wear. And
they are extremely warm and wash and wear great! That way I can go from
cleaning stalls, feeding, whatever to riding without changing clothes.

At 05:58 PM 11/3/96 -0600, Diane F Arnett wrote:
>Endurance Groupies!
> I have a pressing question to ask you all. Winter is here! and
>it is getting cold! This in general I can deal with. However, my hands
>and feet cry out in protest. There were many great posts on keeping your
>hands warm, and I'm going to try the deerskin gloves technique.
> Now I want to know what great ideas you all might have for
>keeping my poor feetsies warm without spending 80-100$ on special winter
>riding boots, (I'm a poor college student still making payments on my
> Thanks, Dianna & JJ
Dee Scott
Van Gilder Arabians
Wasco, Oregon
Home of Nehalems Muhuli, FV SToic & Mackies Image
and their band of mares!!