Re: Bighorn Saddle
Sat, 2 Nov 1996 23:15:39 -0500
Adrienne, Re the Bighorn saddle:
I have one that is leather - weight is between 20-25 lbs, I think, not as
heavy as the Orthoflex or at least not heavier.
Semi-quarter horse bars mean that it will be too wide for most arabs, but can
be used for shorter distances, or training rides, with padding where
The rigging is really neat, especially on a slab sided horse. On a
well-sprung arab, the girth always moves forward, whether I use the center
rigging, i.e. 3-way, or not. On most of my horses, I simply use the girth at
the front, down to a neoprene gir th.
I have occasional pressure points, not on the arabs, but on my fox trotter
stallion, apparently the shoulder action/slope is too great for these bars,
but I am using a withers pad on him and that helps.
The leather saddle is well made, but the seat, although somewhat padded, is
extremely hard, for my sitbones, anyway! Finally, the saddle is loaded with
hooks and rings, includling crupper. Good product for the price, to fit
reasonably, a variety of horses.