I'm really glad to hear that it was detected in time. Just out of curiosity,
was your horse vaccinated against Potomac? Can they still get it if they
are vaccinated - and if so, what is the treatment. What are the signs and
symptoms of this?
Also, if a horse does come down with a serious illness that attended a ride,
are there any AERC rules that would make it mandatory for the owner of that
horse to notify the ride management so that other people at that ride could
be notified? Would ride management be required (if not voluntarily) to
notify all the riders if they were to find out a horse at their ride had an
infectious disease - such as Potomac, or EIA?
I read in the newspaper of an outbreak somewhere in Northern California
recently of Potomac Horse Fever, so I am concerned since I am in the same
region as horses in NO CA.
Happy Trails,
in Gardnerville, NV
& Weaver & Rocky