probable recovery-update

sheynde (
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 18:15:55 -0800

Thank-you so much to everyone who responded to my first entry.I'll try
to give as much detail as I can. Shnique didn't break any bones (thank
God). She did hit her poll and only showed minor scratches, to look at
her you would never know that she had been injured. The accident occured
on 7-30-96, I rode her for the first time last Sunday. I have a 3 acre
pasture and we did not make it all the way around before I got off and
walked her in, I had ridden her down a small incline and her front legs
sort of "spased" and she just dropped her head.
I have borrowed a T-Touch book from a friend and I am doing some massage
I also do streaching exercises with her every night. Her Chiroprator
said the injures are similar to a compression fracture and should heal
with time (a year or two) but not to the point of endurance condition.
She also drags her hind feet now, but I'm told she can re-learn to pick
them up again with exercises.
I live in Battle Ground WA and am planning to attend the PNEA confrence
this year so I hope to get to see some of you there. Ride safely and
watch out for those "Swift" trucks. alison