Possible 100-mile regional ride in Montana
Linda L. Beck (llbeck.@wtp.net)
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 14:35:54 -0800
When I described our "first-time" ride (Eagle Nest in Columbus,
Montana), I mentioned a request from one of our riders that we manage a
regional 100-miler next year. At that time I asked for reactions to
doing the 100-miler and received none. Does that mean it isn't a good
idea? Or do it mean the right people (meaning those who can provide
input) didn't read the question - and if that's the case, who are the
right people for me to talk to? Or does it mean Montana is soooooo
out-of-the-way nobody could/would come? Help!!!! Thanx in advance.
Linda Beck, potential ride manager for a regional 100-miler.