Re: Empty Marketing Self-Plug
Wed, 30 Oct 1996 00:03:37 -0500

Ryder..saw nothing wrong with your comments...and that comes from someone who
sells EQ Sneakers..
I too will not ride without my Easyboots.. on the saddle or the horse.
I road the OD 50 with then 2 years in a row.. rode 80 miles of he od 100.
rode many ECTRA ctr rides with then over the shoes.. traction protection

they DO NOT however do well in mud they really slip.. road a muddy end ride
at BSF and had many a close calls with falls.. took them off after 40 miles
went better.

Will also say the EQ Sneakers DO NOT do well in the mud either.
Of course what does, other then studed iron shoes

no we dont sell Easyboots... call teddy at rbf >):