Re: help on rides

Carol Boardman (Carol.Boardman@Dartmouth.EDU)
25 Oct 96 13:09:14 EDT

--- K S Swigart wrote:
>Going out alone is more dangerous than going with someone...but
>then...riding horses is inherently dangerous.
--- end of quoted material ---

I guess riding alone is supposed to be more dangerous but in all the years i've
ridden alone the worst i got was bruises. this past weekend i was riding with
11 other people and ended up with a fractured arm (hence this being typed all
in lower case). just goes to show there are no absolutes! At least we're
almost at the end of trail season up here - 2 more weeks and the deer (rifle)
hunters move in and i give ground to them for their hobby. :)

Carol Bushway-Boardman - sore but thankful it's just an arm - in Vermont