> This is hardly scientific - but it's cheap and, at worse, causes no harm.
I know I have said this before...but...
It is a fallacy that "homeopathic" remedies can "at worse, cause no harm."
If it can do good (by whatever unknown mechanism) it can do harm (by some
other unknow mechanism). It is important to be careful with anything,
"homeopathic" or not, that proports to have a pharmacological effect.
Before I will try anything on my horse (and/or me) I want to know why it
is the person recommending it thinks it might work AND what they have done
to ensure that there are not some unfavorable side effects (or if they
are, what they are, so I can determine if I think they are worth it).
THere are some people that I trust to have asked the same questions I have
and therefore I will take their word for it (but off hand, I can only
think of one).
Sorry to be repetitive.
Orange County, Calif.