Re: Chondroitin Sulfate/DMG
Wed, 23 Oct 1996 22:21:06 -0400
DMG..cant spell it... used to improve the processing of latic acid..when the
horse or rider goes into oxygen debt affects the Krebs Cycle..see all the
stuff written by Drs Ridgway and Frazer..for a background on what goes on
inside the horse during work,
will help with improving the O2 uptake, increase higher levels of O2 in
the blood.. thus the horse or human runner can go faster longer..with the
offset of lactic acid damage.
it works.. as i said in posts from last winter.. i use it ,so do my horses..
i run a bit and have found it to help keep the 'burn' down and i recover
faster after a ride. the stuff is used in europe called b15 , been used for
years by many atheletes.
its very safe.. from what i have read.. it cant be over dosed
also read and have proven it has helped with head-aches..migranies
its cheap too.. a good supplement that does work