Having not yet done one of these, I can't imagine doing 100 miles. Ithink
the most I've ever done in a day would be 30, and that was just for
fun--leisurely pace and all.
>One of the problems I find in getting crew is other people have lives -
>imagine that:-> and don't see my ride schedule as the most important thing
>in their lives. So I either pack up and go it alone (as many of you do I'm
>sure) or I wouldn't go.
What, you mean there are some people who think they have something more
important to do than help us with our competetive endeavors? Yes, when
going to a dressage show, my husband frequently reminds me he has other
interests, but usually goes anyway, after making me pay awhile.
>I'm wondering how many others on the list do this alone much of the time? I
>mean packing up, driving over, setting up, riding, breaking camp, etc....I
>love the sport but by the time I get home on Sunday from a ride where I'm
>alone I'm wiped out!
I think driving home afterwards would be the worst. I know how pooped I am
after a lesson or trail ride. I could just fall asleep right there drivin
ghome. How do you guys manage to stay awake?
Alice and Shawn Steinke and Willie (for BP)in
Kentucky (Also Lacie, the honorary dachs, Sandy
the cocker and Turbo{get the Kittie}
Kittie, Willie's personal secretary)
Stand aside you other candidates.
Chester and Hannah, the wonderful warmbloods