New Tevis Cup Web Site

RGoodwin (
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 16:21:56 -0700

Please take a moment and pay a visit to the new official web site for
the 1997 Tevis Cup Ride, sponsored by the Western States Trail

It's a modest start on what we plan will be a very comprehensive site by
the first of next year. For now, you can download a copy of the
Application Form and the associated Release Form.

Coming soon will be a load of good stuff about the history of the ride,
past finishers (horses and riders), statistics, trivia, trail notes,
crew notes, and more.

Site development is proceeding under the guidance of Larry Suddjian,
Tevis Ride Manager and WSTF Vice President. Space for the site is being
donated by Foothill.Net (the ride passes right by their offices in
Foresthill, CA). Lucy Chaplin Trumbull <> (who is still
looking for a horse to own) is contributing a lot of her time to it
along with yours truly.

Please give us your feedback and suggestions! We'd like to make this
site a valuable resource for you for 1997 and the years to come.

/Richard Goodwin

 _    ,--/ is the address of 
<_ __/ /\|   Natalie's "Barn & Breakfast" in Weimar, CA.
( )__, ) ~   A B&B for horses (and their riders) 
 \\  '--;    in the heart of Tevis Country.  (916) 637-4644
             Visit us at