FUN Ride - Washoe State Park Nov. 3rd

Karen Chaton (
Wed, 16 Oct 1996 15:41:48 -0700 (PDT)

A friend of mine asked me to post the info on this ride: (This is a very
important fund-raiser - please see below!)

Nevada All State Trail Riders present the Washoe Lake Point to Point
Scavenger Ride. Sunday, November 3, 1996 - Rain day Sunday November 10.

Start time: 11:00 a.m. Sharp!! Pre-ride meeting at 10 a.m. Entries
accepted until start time only.

Where: Equestrian Center at Washoe Lake State Park (same place as the
Washoe Ride). The race will begin for each team at a gate at the pavillion.
It will be a 5 minute staggered start.

How: Each rider will have a teammate and will be given a map with a list of
clues. You can ride the course in any direction, so long as you collect the
hidden treasures that the clues reveal. The first team back with the most
treasures wins. The course will cover about a 10 mile loop, and should take
between 2 and 4 hours t ocomplete. It's not how fast you go; but how clever
you are in deciphering the clues. Completion awards to all finishers with
prizes to the top 3 teams.

How Much? $25.00 per adult rider, $15.00 per Junior if postmarked by
October 25th. Post Entry additional $5 per rider.

Prizes are being donated and profits will go to the Nevada All State Trail
Riders fund to support trails such as the new Washoe Lake Trails, and:


Please come out and support us!!!!!!!

For an entry call:

Helen Rogers
(702) 849-0215
Carson City, Nv