Re: Training

Stephanie Teeter (
Sun, 13 Oct 1996 11:09:23 GMT

>>>>> "CJ" == CJ McCormick <> writes:

> HI! Well I was wondering if you could tell me (i'm new to
> endurance! BRAND NEW! :) how I should train my horse for
> endurance rides?! And what I should do myself?! And I live in
> Minnesota so how should I train over the winter and in the
> summer? ANY suggestons? Cya

Hi CJ - check out the AERC homepage, The
endurance handbook is online. There is also a library of
endurance books and publications via the endurance homepage,

It would be good if you could find people in your area
to talk to and/or train with - and attend a few endurance
rides. You'll learn a lot just by being around people
involved in the sport.

Anyone out there in Minnesota?

> Cyndi Jo

> P.S. Are there any endurance associations? If there are do they
> put out a booklet or something on how to train for races??
> Thanx. Cu

Yes - the endurance homepage has many organizations listed.

Good luck!


          ,+'^'+,         ,+'^'+,
Steph Teeter
