I believe that these boots cause more problems than they are worth -
especially in sandy conditions. The reason to condition is to strengthen
the legs to take the stress. Like you all we have in central Florida is
sand. The Far Out Forest ride in Ocala National Forest is about about 90
miles of sand - much of it deep and loose. Sand used correctly is very
good conditioning. If you train your horse slowly to handle the sand, he
will be able to handle it and be much stronger for this training -
especially the tendons and ligaments.
Sand will get inside these boots and become wet from either water or sweat
and form a very abrasive mixture which can rub sore on the horses leg very
>Howdy Group,
>Is it illegal to use sport boots during sanctioned rides? We have to
>train with them because of the deep sand we have everywhere we ride.
>Susan & Sabian on the Emerald Coast of NW Florida
Truman Prevatt
Sarasota, FL