Hot Ride, Tar Springs
Jim Mitchell (
Sun, 06 Oct 1996 14:34:02 -0700
I just returned from Tar Springs 50 just inland on the coast of Calif. They had a
record heat wave come through for the ride. It was 62 when I went to bed Friday night
and 68 when I got up at 5AM. I think it was mid 90's during the day. I'm not sure of the
humidity but probably mid range as it is near the coast. The horses are getting their
winter coats so it was a tough ride. Fourty horses started the 50 and 19 finished. A 52%
pull ratio. Most were rider option pulls at lunch with some others turning back after
starting the hills after lunch. At lunch I watched as most of the horses had depressed
or no appetites. My horse had no appetite for 1.1 hours after the first 27 mile loop.
I think he had overheated after the first vet check without me realizing it. Our pace
was not fast. A 4.5 hour 27 miles.
As a trained engineer I can see a horse has a limit to his cooling ability on any
given day. Obviously we can help him out, but there is still a numerical limit to his
ability to dissipate heat on any given day. When the horse generates more heat than he
can dissipate we set the stage for trouble. Luckily for me lunch came and I realized we
were heading for trouble before it got too serious. Another horse was not so lucky and
required vet assistance out on the trail before the lunch stop. The owner rose at dinner
and, choking back tears, described how he had been in this sport for over 25 years and
today he had nearly killed his horse. He had been riding even slower than I was. I feel
that "There but for the grace of God go I" . It could have just as easily been me as the
signs of overheating were not that obvious to me. It is a very fine line with just a .5
mph speed change possibly being all that was necessary to avert trouble. Another lesson
learned. We waited 2 hours at lunch and then took it easy to finish right at 12 hours.
Anyway on the brighter side Becky Hart finished 6th on Rio riding a very relaxed pace.
It was a laid back ride and well done as always. Loretta Potts won on Bo (?) and took
Jim Mitchell
Bakersfield, Ca.