1. Bob Gielen (New Brunswick, Canada) 11hr.40min BC
2. Norma House (Maine) 11hr.40min
3. Kathy Downs (Maine) 11hr.46min
4. Sue Greenall (Vermont) 13hr.10min
5. Kathy Brunjes (Maine) 13hr.55min
6. Patty Andrews-Moore (Rhode Island) 14hr
It was amazing country! Deceivingly flat on the maps, but lots of
gradual uphills and hard, clay roads - miles of them. There had been a
great deal of rain prior to the ride (and during the nights of the ride),
so the woods trails were VERY muddy and soft, which impacted on the
attrition rate of the horses (doing miles and miles of hard packed clay
roads, with lots of pebbles, and then going into deep, sucking mud, to go
back onto hard roads did the 8 horses which did not finish in - there
were no metabolic problems - two riders became ill, and could not finish
due to this.
The Nova Scotia hospitality was grand - so much food, I won't be able to
eat for a week! If anyone sees Lani Newcomb, DVM (our "head" vet) - ask
her about the tidal bore! 18 of us, the day before the ride, took it
into our heads to go river rafting on the Shubenacadie River, and rode
the famous tidal bore - that was harder than the actual endurance ride -
our horses probably wondered why we were so stiff before we ever got on
their backs!
Kathy Brunjes
Bethel, Maine