ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Re: breeders

Re: [endurance] Re: breeders

Gwen DLuehosh (dluehosh@vt.edu)
Thu, 15 Aug 1996 15:41:30 -0400

I agree with you, Oogie- I didn't know much when I got into this, except
that I wanted to breed nice horsees, and I have, but for those who Don't
know, it costs approximately $2500 to just conceive and take care of a mare
for the year she is carrying the pregnancy. That is assuming that the mare
is an easy keeper, that there is enough pasture.

It also assumes that you can do most things yourself as far as giving the
required vaccines, and also taking the chance of resorption by only
checking the mare once for pregnancy/twins.

This doesn't include a stud fee, an AI fee, or any other fees related to
hauling the mare anywhere or having other work done on her - like if she
needs Regumate or some such to keep her pregnant.
Although this is not a breeding list, I too can say it's frustrating trying
to produce something that you KNOW will do well, only to have to lower the
price to get it sold. If it's getting a good home, this can be in some part
justified, but still I think most horse businesses have to be backed by
another business or they will necessarily run at a loss.- At least in my
limited experience, that's what's happeneing....
(And then there's the mares that won't listen - I wanted fillies and got
ALL colts :) )

This of course doesn't incllude the countless hours I have put into
studying their pedigrees, trying to see what will work and what won't. All
the other breeders who are trying hard to have good stock are doing the
same I am sure...

I do have to say that I have been lucky in finding good mares to breed to
though, and that I am looking for the best deal on a mare too- just like
anyone else. I guess it's a catch-22.
It has ceratinly been an eye opener for going into the veterinary business.
Gwen Dluehosh
Desert Storm Arabians
Blacksburg, VA

>How does a reputable breeder keep the breed "honest" when people won't
>pay the prices that result from "doing it right"? If you do full vet and
>farrier care, live in an area where you feed hay year round, provide
>training, are a business with insurance (farm liability insurance is big
>$$$$), advertising etc. etc. etc you end up with animals that people
>won't buy because they perceive the price is too high. Backyard breeders
>(in general those who don't truely count all costs in the price of their
>foals or those who feel they are in it only for fun and don't really care
>if they are profitable) will undersell a reputable professional by 50%.
>Now granted the professional breeder can and does sell horses, I've sold
>some before conception <g>, but it's very hard to compete and you end up
>with carrying costs on your "inventory" that make it almost impossible to
>be profitable.
>If riders want to continue to have well bred animals to choose from you
>need to occasionally pay a high price from professional breeders or all
>that will be left are the backyard folks.
>Oogie McGuire - oogiem@dsrtweyr.com
>Weyr Associates - Multimedia and Web Authoring Services & Consulting
>Desert Weyr - CMK Arabian horses & saddle mules for endurance and show