ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Sports Saddle For Sale
[endurance] Sports Saddle For Sale
Thu, 1 Aug 1996 23:34:38 -0400
Teresa Searcy has a every-so-slightly used 14 1/2" chocolate brn endurance
model Sports Saddle with a cheyenne roll for sale. She said she'd like to
get $850 (including shipping). The saddle is "like-new" and you save the
2-month wait of ordering one.
If interested, contact her at 812-294-4922 Eastern Time. She said if she's
not there, leave a message and she'll call you back. However, please be
considerate of the time, and call at a reasonable time - evenings are best to
catch her home.
Genie Stewart-Spears