from Roger R
RE Legend
Well what did you expect. Yes we used it ...COSTLY $75 a pop
My home bred 8 year old *gona be my 100 miler* ....fell in a race (50) we
were trying him out..actually my first time running with the TT pack for
about 20 miles.. a real blast.. any way he tripped front right.. pulled
shoe /pulled ankle under him self..
bottom line tore a tendon in the pastern joint... xray showed a tear @ the
bone...6 months later calcium at joint and ring-bone good ole DJD.. I
asked the vet when he was going to get better since he is my new 100
miler...comment * he WAS your 100 miler* recovery never would
be sound...oh well..HE give and takes away our gifts...
So we tried a 2 shot series of LEGEND, then adaquen, then fed CS....and turn shoes... 1 and 1/2 year later still not 100%
I was going to put him down...appears the legend did NOT work..or anything
This was major damage so I guess we did NOT expect anything..
Dr Joyce Harmon suggested 2 things;
1. Shoe him VERY short, set the shoe 1/2 inch back per Ric Redden noted
this will help his break over take stress off the lower joints..He is very
in the pastern joint..thus the long toe and thus he trips..
2. Put him on this COSTLY chinese herb stuff.. from Joyce for one month ,
give another shot of adaquen and wait...
Well , in 3 weeks we took him out for a *easy short* go..HA!
2 hrs later and about 10 miles he came back SOUND and just fine.
SOUND the next day
Went again a week later -same SOUND AND 1 1/2 month later still sound..
Will he ever race again.. I dont think so , maybe NATRC..if If can slow him
Will see.. what did it ? mostly a long time off and help from a suite of
products that aide the horse in healing...I guess I will keep him..
So TRY LEGEND.. as a last resort.. I dont think I would go for direct
injection of a joint..
Things are TOO far gone by then for the horse to do serious hard work.