You place your left hand on the neck just in front of the pommel, your
right hand on the cantle or just forward of it, then taking the slightest
of bounces on both legs, you LIFT yourself straight up...pausing just a
moment with your arms straight. Then in one smooth motion you
simultaneously swing your right leg over the saddle as you move your
right arm forward.
Has your jaw dropped yet? Imagine several near-middle aged ladies
watching this...the giggles.
And gawd...he was serious. He also overfaced all of us with 3'6" fences
and oxers the width of Rhode Island!
My plan is to have Kevin hold both the horse and a stirrup, me on the
tallest mounting block I can find (even if it means dragging out a dining
room table), and me mimicking someone climbing up a sheer rock face with
no safety rope. works for me! But Kasey had better plan on
having me permanently attached, unless he can find a crane or something
out on trail.
Diane @ Safe Haven