My position as of now... IF the product IS NOT a FDA , performance
enhancing, cover up DRUG.. then we should be free to use it..
Of course ADAQUEN is regulated but it wont cover up a REAL problem...or
A horse never will break down from these nutraceuticals (sp) like they will
when running on bute banimine and other hard durgs...I cant spell...
SO is it SOFT DRUGS ??
It helps the horses do their job...with a margin of safety.. and wont let
/make a broken horse go on.
If the major Vets of our sport support ADAQUEN and some of the oral stuff for
ALL the hard working horses... then;
Do it to insure the horse goes on with as minima damage as possible..
Here is a REAL zinger.. this discussion is based on giving supplements that
may or may not do the horse any good and many are a waste of money and may
provide better
health and performance.
BUT .. do you all know about NATRC RULES
MOST horses (mine) do not care to willinglly eat 2 to 3 oz of SALT free
choice while on the trail or back in they dehydrate.. during the
HOT HUMID rides in the SE.
Of ALL the NATRC rules this is the ONLY ONE I cant deal with...IT can cause
serious problems.. EVEN @ 5mph.. but thats going direct to NATRC.
So we as riders have an ethical and legal issue to deal with.. what to feed
that is..
I manage as such.. I feed what I determine the horses needs. what will
help her while we train, to get her in condition, stay sound, keep up the
Its a whole program ..right.. shoes, feed, training (with a V-MAX EHRM)
(had to get a pitch in here) try to balance the work-load /rest/
feed/supplements/etc program.
Then when we go to the rides.. I drop the contraversal additives IF I was
using them..
about the only one I currently use BEFORE a competition is DMG..I double up
on Thru and no more until after...
( I dont agree all the DMG will be out of her system by Sat. per karin
BUT I am not feeding it 48 hrs Before the race.. so we are legal..
anyway it wont test.. as far as I know.
I continue to feed Vit E+se in HIGH dosages, CS, and the SAME feed mix
used at home.. PLUS pre load of electrolytes starting on FRI am....
POST RACE: MSM 4 days, E+SE 2x dose 4 day, +E@5000iu 4 day, C 1000 2 day,
DMG one day, Electrolytes full dose 2x day for 2 days. CS 2xdose 2xday for
a week.
Adaquen 4 x a season
its been working for years.. the old girl is 18y 4000m (almost)
AND sound still willing and going stronger then ever..
Thats it on this issue from me unless the group keeps it going.